[A]re we just a heap of chemicals: minerals, proteins and starches piled up in a heap? Obviously, we are much, much more. Highly structured and intelligently organized, modern physics shows that our “physical” bodies are really a sea of energy. Even the information transfer between cells is mainly in the form of light:biophotonism. Yet modern medicine is still based on a crude chemical and materialistic model of the body. Medical diagnosis is thus based on laboratory tests that measure the levels of various normal and abnormal biochemical components. Tests can also look at microscopic tissues and cells for evidence of disease. Physical examination, radiology and electrical tests, such as cardiograms, help gather more physical information. But this limited chemical approach ignores the intricate and intelligent system of subtle energies that governs what happens on a physical level. It is this energy anatomy that is responsible for our ability to heal and to coordinate the complex matrix of cells and tissues on a material level. Bioenergy is the name given to these formative forces behind all biological life.
Bioenergy Analysis
Diagnosis using bioenergy has existed since remotest antiquity. Pulse diagnosis is used in both Chinese medicine and the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda to listen in on the body’s subtle energy pathways. In modern times, innovative scientists created various devices since the early 1920’s in an attempt to accurately measure bioenergy patterns. Some worked on the principle of “resonance,: also known as radionics. Others have used acupuncture points to access the body’s information systems. There are now modern versions of these instruments, but they have some serious limitations, as they are time-consuming, subject to errors and misinterpretations, and rely on the subjective measurement of the practitioner. And because point-testing devices rely on pressure against the skin, it is easy to create errors. More importantly, only electromagnetic energies are measured, which account for only 25% of information-transfer in the body. Radionic-type instruments rely on the psychic skills of the practitioner, or only generate random numbers, in hopes the “Higher Mind” will somehow come up with the correct data.
The NES Difference
A breakthrough in bioenergy medicine, an instrument now exists that is capable of measuring the entire spectrum of the body’s energy field:the quantum matrix that directs and supports all physical and biochemical activity. After 25 years of research and experiment, Peter Fraser was able to create a software/hardware device which could actually measure the deviations, distortions and weaknesses of the human bioenergy field. Even more remarkable, he created a range of infoceutical medicines which can re-install the body’s original “template of health,” recreating the normal structure and function of our organism. The effects are unique in the field of healing therapies.
The Missing Link
There is one missing ingredient that is the greatest cause for a lack of healing success: whether in natural or mainstream treatment. That ingredient is an understanding of the body’s healing priority. The  sequence in which the body can heal is not only crucial it is non-negotiable. Priority is based on the layers of toxins within us, our age, our genetic structure, past health and many other factors. Whatever caused our current problems, the body, in its wisdom, has a very specific agenda of what it wants to heal and in what order. The Nutrienergetics System (NES) is the only therapy, past or present, that can accurately show the body’s healing priority:the sequence in which the body needs to heal, layer by layer. Thus for the first time, we actually have a roadmap or guidance system as to where and what the body can heal at any point in time!
The Infoceuticals
The energy medicines of NES, called infoceuticals, can rebuild organs from the atomic level up, recreating our molecular structure and regenerating cells and tissues. A list of their benefits is truly remarkable, as they are able to:
- Help us regain lost vitality and strength faster than any known therapy.
- Cancel out viral patterns in the body (rather than merely kill viruses) making them unable to be recreated from their virtual template.
- Alter deep seated patterns of susceptibility and weakness.
- Assist our body’s own immunity and defense systems.
- Repair damage to the nervous system, liver, kidneys and all other vital structures.
- Have profound effects on emotional trauma and psychological healing.
Special Properties
There are other unique aspects to NES infoceuticals:
- Generally they are not the primary therapy for acute conditions, though Terrains and other specific Infoceuticals can be very effective for colds and other infections.
- They require commitment and persistence, and need to be taken daily for six months to one year for optimal results.
- There is no possibility of toxicity or side-effects:only healing effects
- The remedies are not affected by airport X-rays or magnetic fields
Relationship to Other Medicines
- Infoceuticals are not antidoted by any foods or drink (like homeopathics) and can in fact be taken with food.
- They do not interact negatively or interfere with any drugs, medicine, herb, vitamin or other ingested substances whatsoever.
- While they do not work the same way as Classical Homeopathy, they can effectively clear the way for this kind of treatment. In fact, homeopathy often fails because the individual is already too weakened to respond, or there are too many toxins that blocks its effect. Infoceuticals solve this problem.
- They not provide the body’s raw materials, as nutritional supplements are designed do. However, they greatly assist in the assimilation and metabolism of everything one consumes.