Core Beliefs
The indicators on this page are used to identify where issues exist in core beliefs of the client at the time of the NES scan.
Core beliefs are usually formed during childhood and represent deeply rooted convictions about who we perceive ourselves to be and how we perceive the world at large. They form a personal perception of the truth that influences the way we shape and colour what we see, feel and hear. Core beliefs have a profound influence on what we allow to happen in our lives and how life events are interpreted.
Core beliefs can be both empowering and disempowering. A belief of ‘I am capable’ will empower actions while a core belief of ‘I am incapable’ will tend to disempowering actions. Core beliefs may become an issue if there is:
* A lack of conviction of the empowering aspect.
* A dominance of the disempowering aspect.
* Unstable convictions that continually vary between the empowering and disempowering.
Core beliefs are immensely powerful aspects of the human psyche, mostly existing at the subconscious level and can empower activity or lead to obstacles in life and thinking poorly of ourselves and distrusting others. Becoming aware of core beliefs, questioning the purpose of these subconscious programs, listening to our internal dialog of interpreting the truth about experiences and our capabilities, can all lead to a deeper understanding of who we are, why we experience what we do and open up the possibility for self-acceptance and growth.
The use of various techniques such as Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Reimprinting, Neuro Linguistic Programming and hypnosis can be used to successfully transform self limiting, counterproductive and restrictive beliefs into ones that allow choices that lead to more positive flow, contentment and fullfilment in life.