What Does Homeopathy Cure?
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he list of conditions treated and cured by homeopathy is extensive. In fact it covers the whole of medicine as we know it, and many “conditions” that have no specific name or label. Modern day research has confirmed what two hundred years of treatment on tens of millions of patients in every section of the globe has shown—Homeopathy works!
Indeed there is not a single condition that is not benefitted by homeopathy. And many time cure is possible, where medical treatment it only palliative: It may suppress or calm down the symptoms, such as pain, or inflammation. But the true, underlying causes the illness go unchecked.
In all cases, homeopathy is a healing science based on the body, mind and spirit’s natural intelligence and our ability for self-healing. Homeopathy can help a disorganized and confused organism, rousing its resources to make a cohesive and direct defense against illness. Ultimately, homeopathy understands that we are not treating an “illness” or “disease,” but merely assisting the body and mind’s own natural healing ability \. Nevertheless, if we had to list the syndromes and symptom-patterns helped by homeopathy, it would read like a who’s who of human suffering and ill health:
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Gastritis and reflux
- Migraine
- premature aging
- autism and learning disabilities
- impotence and ED
- infertility
- PMS and dysmenorrhea
- chronic fatigue
- fibromyalgia
- colitis and irritable bowel syndrome